Robin Collier - Obituary
Punga Stud Taihape
It is with great sadness that the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of New Zealand acknowledges the passing (27th November 2024) of Mrs. Robin Collier of the Punga Stud.
1965 founder member of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of New Zealand and an inaugural Councilor.
Council member 1965-2010
President 1969-1971
President 1985-1986
Vice President 1968-1969
Vice President 1983-1984
Secretary 1985-2005
For the work and dedication to the Society in New Zealand, Robin Collier was recognized by the Welsh Pony & Cob Society Wales with an Honorary Life Membership in 2008, this was followed by an Honorary Life Membership from the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of New Zealand in 2009.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Collier Family.
The Welsh Pony and Cob Society of New Zealand was first formed in 1966, for the purpose of preserving the breed in its highest form, for keeping a true and correct record of ponies bred in New Zealand, in the form of a Stud Book. Patterned on the Welsh Pony and Cob Society in Wales any purebred pony registered with The Welsh Pony and Cob Society of New Zealand must be able to be traced back to registers in Wales on all sides.
The Welsh Stud Book contains registration details of four "types" of Purebred Welsh Ponies and Cobs. These types include the Welsh Mountain Pony “Section A”, the Welsh Pony “Section B”, the Welsh Pony of Cob type “Section C” and the Welsh Cob “Section D”. Each Section, or type, has specific characteristics, but all retain the character, versatility and excellent temperament of the Welsh breeds. The Stud Book also contains the Register of Welsh Partbreds which must have a minimum 12.5% of Welsh blood in their parentage.