(Purebreds & Partbreds)
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Star Any white mark on the forehead. Size, shape, intensity, position, and coloured markings (if any) on the white are to be specified. Should the marking in the region of the centre of the forehead consist of a few white hairs only it should be so described and not referred to as a star.
Stripe In the majority of cases the star and stripe are continuous and should be described as „star and stripe conjoined‟. Where the stripe is separate and distinct from the star it should be described as „broken stripe‟. Where no star is present the point of origin of the stripe should be indicated. Any variation in width direction and any markings on the white should be stated, including „inclined to left/right‟ etc.
Blaze A white marking covering almost the whole of the forehead between the eyes and extending beyond the width of the nasal bones and usually to the muzzle. Any variation in direction, termination and any markings on the white should be stated. e.g. „broad blaze‟, „narrow blaze‟.
White Face Where the white covers the forehead and front of the face, extending downwards towards the muzzle. The extension may be into the left or right or both nostrils, or covering both and extending further, in which cases it should be described accordingly.
Snip An isolated white marking, independent of those already named and situated between or in the region of the nostrils, its size, position and intensity should be specified. Lip markings Should be described as the whole or a portion of either lip.
Flesh Marks Patches where the pigment of the skin is absent should be described as flesh marks.
White Muzzle Where the white extends to the region of the nostrils and may include lips.
Wall-Eye / Blue Eye This term should be used exclusively where there is such a lack of pigment, either partial or complete, in the iris as to give a pinkish-white or bluish-white appearance to the eye. Any other important variations should be noted.

Ticked Where white hairs are separately distributed through the coat in any part of the body. Sabino The Sabino gene can be responsible for all white leg markings and can produce large areas of white with underlying pink skin and heavy ticking.
Sabinos will usually have at least one white leg marking which spears upwards and a white chin spot. Markings which are extensive can include long white leg markings and belly splashes that may extend upwards into the body. A large blaze or white face and the chin spot. These ponies may also show extensive ticking and markings to produce an all white pony or cob with dark eyes. Note this animal is not a Cremello or Perlino and heavy ticking should not be mistaken for Roan.
Splashed White produces ponies with pink-skinned white markings, which usually have blue eyes. They often look as though they have been dipped in white paint feet first. The head, legs and belly may be white, sometimes connected to a patch running up either side of the thorax. The tail is often white, or white-tipped. White rarely reaches the top line, unless other pattern genes are also present. The margins of the white markings are crisp, smooth and well defined.
Black marks Should be used to describe small areas of black hairs among white or any other colour.
Spots Where small, more or less circular, collection of hairs differing from the general body colour occur, distributed in various parts of the body.
Patch Should be used to describe any larger well defined irregular area (not covered by previous definitions) of hairs differing from the general body colour.
Whorls (Cowlicks) these are small areas about the size of a 50 cent piece where the hair grows in a swirl pattern.
Hooves Any variation in the colour of the hooves should be noted.
White Leg Markings Any white markings on the legs should be accurately defined and the extent precisely stated, e.g. ¼ cannon, ½ cannon, cannon, fetlock, pastern, coronet etc. The use of such terms as sock and stocking should be discontinued.
Ermine Spots Are small to large spots of dark pigmentation in white markings amongst the hair just above the coronary band of the hoof, these should be noted.
Zebra marks Where there is striping on the limbs, neck, withers or quarters.